Smiling is Infectious

Totally and utterly GROSS! Right?  Who starts a blog with a kitty litter tray?  Me!

Why? Because it's the definitive smile in tough times.

I have no idea why I took that photo. I really don't. But sometimes when faced with a challenging situation, a gross situation, or to be blunt a shitty situation, you just have to smile.

Surely in today's reality of the world's health crisis, this is what we need.  Perhaps a Tilly Turd is the ultimate representation of life as we know it.

So this has been my solution to dealing with the behind the scenes challenges of life pretty much since I can remember.  I lived in a household as a child where it was no bed of roses. If you have read earlier posts then you have an idea.  If you're currently not feeling bright and chirpy, then now is not the time to go and read them.

We are constantly told by the community that a trouble shared is a trouble halved, that we can rely on our friends.  I wasn't raised like that. I was raised to not speak about anything going on, hide it all, and in fact to "build a brick wall to keep others out".  Wow!  Who does that?  Anyway, to put it into metaphoric terms I painted the outside of my wall with beautiful wallpaper. Funny stuff, kind stuff and pretty stuff.  I presented a positive face to the world.

After I left that environment it was second nature to show that smiley happy face to the world. And I became that face.  I still had all that ugly stuff going on behind my brick wall though. But I smiled.

I think that's why almost 3 months ago when I began airing what was behind the wall to the world it was a shock for some. I had a need to open it up and show what was there. A little bit like when I make a craft item.  The final stage is often to turn it inside out to finish off the ends and sew up the seams. Once all that back stage stuff is done, I can turn it right side out again and it's all good. That's how I feel. 

I find that now I am smiling when I'm alone, when I talk to my cats.  I admit I have isolated quite a bit this past 3 months. It allowed me time. Time to grieve what I needed to grieve, to share the dark bits, to let some light in and to turn myself right side out again.

Why is this relevant today with the world crisis? 

Maybe, we all need a little bit of isolation?  A lot of our mental health experts tell us to connect with people.  My theory is that people may be able to connect better in isolation.  OK, bear with me here.  When you feel isolated due to stress and anxiety, you go around the shops and cafes feeling alone in the world, like you're in a bubble.  When everyone is isolated due to a virus, then everyone reaches out!  Offers of help, assistance, calls for kindness and care abound. 

So while we cannot go and be in big groups, hug, shake hands and all those things that symbolise cohesion, we are reaching out in other ways.

Yes, it's a kitty litter, shitty bitter time for many. So go out and smile - from a virus safe 1.5 metre distance - at everyone you see today.  Smiling is infectious!


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