Watching them grow up

I remember when I was 18 getting the news that my cousin in Slovakia had had a child. I hadn't met my cousin face to face then, but being an only child with two younger cousins in Australia that I saw only rarely it was exciting.

I raced down to the toy shop in Kalgoorlie and bought a giant Panda. It took two post bags and a lot of tape to put together, and cost me more to post than I paid for the toy to send it to this little girl born in a far away land.

I sent gifts, remembered her birthday, and then 9 years later her brother arrived. I had a son only weeks before, and I could follow this boys progress with my own sons. I received photos regularly from their grandfather, father and uncle, and felt like I was a part of it all.

With great excitement I met them when they were quite little, and it was only an afternoon, but so good to see them. We could not communicate well, their English was not good, my Slovak probably worse, but I loved every minute.

My next trip was longer, and I saw them more. My boys were with me, and they all got to play and see each other. I knitted for them, and photos of them wearing their clothes still make me smile.

It took a long time to get back this time. But in that time, the Internet, social media and the world had changed a lot.

This trip, I was greeted by two amazing, confident, happy and talented young adults. Perfect English met my still terrible Slovak.  We were welcomed into their homes, met their partners, and children. They made so much time for us in their busy lives.

I talk often about my spare children in Australia. My kiddies. They come into my life as friends of my sons, and become like family, they are all very much a part of my heart, and I love them all.  

This trip home to Slovwkia, I gained 4 more spare children, they have been promoted from my cousins, and cousins partners, but they are now mine too.  I am so proud of who they have become, where they are going in their lives, and the wonderful people they all are.


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