Can You See Inside my Head?
I have been asked to do something I don't want to do. It's because of what's in my head. I don't know how to show someone what's inside my head. That's what trauma is you see. It's inside the head. Nobody can see it.
A physical injury or trauma leaves a scar which tells a story which in turn needs no explanation. You see a bent and twisted, scarred and marred leg and if the person is quite jovial and engaged you can even make a joke. We've all seen it done. "Bet there's a story behind that one mate!" "Well yes my friend there is, want to hear about it?"
The ensuing conversation can take different pathways. The scarred one could make up a brilliant story of a shark wearing a beanie carrying a golf stick and chances are that because the wound is so visible, the listener will believe it! The answer is often "You should see the other bloke". Why? Because a visible scar is just that. Visible.
No explanation needed, we can see what the result is. We can empathise, sympathise and offer help and suggestions to the person. They will get a hug, a pat on the back, a "you'll be right love." "Let me know if I can do anything to help."
What happens when the trauma is internal? If it's emotional and mental scarring? Can you as an outsider, no matter how much you love that victim, actually see it, feel it, touch it? No. Simple. No. You can only rely on what that victim shows you and tells you. You have to match the signals, join the dots and process your perception of their reality. Will you ever gain the insight you need? Not likely.
So here I am. I've had 14 months without seeing the person who has inflicted trauma to my emotional wellbeing. It took a while to adjust to my new normal. A bit like a bandaid though, the inside bits are still a bit squishy and bit unsure. When I'm alone, I cry, shout, scream and ask the Universe all the questions I can. Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't.
Then asked/told to revisit that person. Yes that person is in a different place, and a different condition. Does that help or hinder? I don't have that answer.
What I am asking myself is "For what purpose?"
What is the purpose that will be fulfilled for the person who asked me to do this? Will it help them? What do they need me to do this for? I love them and I will do pretty much anything for them. But this needs answers to allow me to process this properly.
What is the purpose that will be fulfilled for the person I visit? Will they feel like a winner? Will they feel vindicated that they won the long game? Inflict more pain? Gain peace? Ask questions? Answer questions? These are ones that may not be able to be answered.
What is the purpose that will be fulfilled for me if I visit? Will I be propelled back into a world of pain that used to see me run from that place and doing a primal scream in my car? Will it see me hitting the steering wheel and wanting the world to end? Will I gain peace and calm from the experience? What questions will I be asked or want to ask? How will it make me feel? And who will be in my corner to support me to revisit that trauma person in my life?
It's strange how when we end a relationship with a toxic partner nobody, literally nobody says "You should go and see them". When it's a parent that's a whole different ballgame. Suddenly everyone thinks you should do this. For what purpose? To reassure them of some deep seated belief or need? Do they genuinely think you or the perpetrator will benefit? Again so many questions.
So I wait, and I think, and I continue to question. I also gain insight and empathy for those who have unseen trauma, who need my support to overcome theirs.
Once again I am in the age old painful situation of not being able to be truly myself right now. I wonder when I can be that person quite often. I know it won't happen in the perpetrators lifetime.
I don't want to be pushed back into the headspace that made me break contact. It wasn't pretty. Nobody saw anything. I hid my physical reactions from everyone so I could protect my emotional reactions. I built my walls up high and strong. No gates, no windows and no doors. And now I have been asked to open that door.
I risk so much of my peace of mind and recovery to do this favour for someone I totally love. I risk compromising my mental and emotional health for them while they believe they are doing the right thing for my perpetrator.
What a jungle.
Stay tuned.
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