So what's the difference?

So what's the difference between what & what? Which & Who? Why & Why Not? Today is a day that has had me wondering for quite a while. Today my dearest friend would have been 60 years old. But he's not here any more. He died. Well to be precise he ended his life. I'll get to that. I made gingernut biscuits for his 19th birthday. Why? I don't know really. I was 12 almost 13 and this family I had heard about all my life were coming for afternoon tea. My grandma's best friend, with her daughter and her grandson. Big age gap at that point in time. I loved cooking and I was helping. Well avoiding toxic fumes from a narcissistic relative but I didn't know that at the time. This larger than life, kinder than kind person graced us with his presence along with the rest of his family. We sat squished into a tiny living room (60's houses were not huge). All 3 generations. All 8 people. We had afternoon tea and this human and I watched the older ...