
Showing posts from October, 2015

Grief's a Bitch

I swear, and I probably swear too much, but some times, some words I really and deeply mean it.  And this is one of those words and times where I swear through gritted teeth. Grief is a two faced, low life bitch.  The definition of a bitch in the dictionary is a malicious, spiteful, overbearing woman.  Malicious - nasty, cruel, harsh and intending to do harm. Spiteful -  cutting, straight to the heart kind of meanness.  Overbearing - oppressive, arrogant and masterful.  But why a woman?  Why not call it a man?  Because women give birth to new life and so does grief if we treat her right. You think you have dealt with her, put her in her place and finished with her til she rears her ugly head with a new death or new crisis in your world. But no, she's also sneaky & underhand!  She likes to sit quietly next to you on the couch at night.  Sometimes she's well mannered and let's you watch your programs, take part in conversation and ...