When is a compliment not a compliment?

Three years ago, this is how I looked. I knew I was fat! Blind Freddie could see that. This suit was a size 22 and only fitted due to it having an elastic waistband. Nobody said anything. I'm sure if I smoked someone would have said "Give those things up they are killing you", and I'm equally sure if I drank someone would have said "You've had enough". They are the obvious drugs, the obvious addictions. Food isn't! Everybody eats, everybody loves food. So, it's OK not to say anything. Partly that's because fat people are perceived as weak, so you don't say anything to hurt their feelings. You don't even use the word fat! Over the years I used to groan when someone said "Oh you're looking well!" To me, Well equalled Fat. Maybe they did think I was looking well, or maybe they just didn't want to screech "Oh My God You are Huge!" Either way, people were nice. They loved being around becau...