
Showing posts from August, 2012

Challenges and Changes

Life revolves around us, and sometimes we want to get off. How do I feel about suicide?  I have mixed views. I value human life in all forms and functions and believe that everyone has a role to play and a purpose to fulfill.  Do we have a right to cancel our fare and to bail out on those we love and those who love us?  Everyone has a different view, and many believe it is selfish. I am a Funeral Celebrant. I celebrate funerals, I celebrate lives lost to disease, accident, age and yes suicide. I work with those preparing for the death in palliative care and aged care. Those who want control to the very end.  And to some degree, I believe that suicide is indeed taking control to the very end of that persons journey and life. A medium once said that the souls he sees who have suicided have the deepest regret, and usually didn't intend to actually go through with it. They shocked themselves when they were suddenly on the other side and looking at their families ...