
Showing posts from February, 2012


This morning I tweeted about the difference between an Ordained Minister and a Professional Celebrant such as myself for a Funeral Service. The difference can be good or bad and depend on your outlook at the time. There was a time when I would proudly wear the tag of Christian, now I think I am a God-ist. I'm not quite Jewish, but for some reason every time I go to a Christian funeral I come away less Christian. When I go to a Funeral, which is rare as I am usually the one conducting the service as the Celebrant, I want to hear about the persons life. Not Christ's life. There are elements of His, that I feel are endemically important to celebrating a persons life, and the hope of his resurrection is of course part of that as we can believe with all certainty that death is not the end. Sadly most funerals conducted by Ministers of Religion seem to dwell so much on the God-like that the person who has attracted sometimes 100s of people to hear about their life is...